Upcoming Events

Microdosing Breathwork
This session is a gateway to personal growth and healing. Perfect for those seeking breakthroughs or a fresh perspective on life.
Microdosing pcilocybin is becoming a popular tool as people are searching for alternative solutions to deal with anxiety, mental health struggles, manage and decrease pain, enhance creativity and problem solving, and find more calm, flow and presence in their day-to-day lives. All of these states can also be supported by breathwork practices.
We’ll cover the basics of breathwork, microdosing and explore how the combination may provide synergistic support in one’s health and wellness journey.
This event is 21+ and BYO Microdose (Bring your Own).
5:45-6:00 : & Space Setup
6:00 - 6:15 : Welcome & Agenda Review
6:20 - 7:00 : Check In, Meditation, Instructions, Microdosing Ritual
7:10 - 8:10 : Psychedelic Cannabis Breathwork Journey
8:10 - 8:45 : Landing & Integration and Closing
To create a safe container, the doors will be closed once we begin the circle. We will be guiding you through this process to help you have a safe and sacred journey.
Microdosing is optional and less than 0.3gr. No other substances, no buying/selling, thank you.
Registration is required for this event. No walk-ins, thank you!
Alma Yoga Santa Cruz, 738 Chestnut, Santa Cruz CA
Ticket Prices:
In person: $55
Bring a Friend: 20% discount when you signup for 2 or more people together. Use Promo Code: BRINGAFRIEND
For other discounts or donation based participation email Javi at javi@greenmagicyoga.com
Safety and Participation Agreement
Breathwork Circles are very safe but they're not for everyone. Please take a moment to review our safety guidelines for this event. If you’re new to Microdosing or Breathwork please check-in with us before signing up so we can make sure it's a good fit for you.
How to Prepare
An intentional practice with Microdosing and Breathwork is a wonderful opportunity for inner healing and spiritual growth. In this sense we suggest doing some physical and emotional preparation when stepping into these experiences. Here are a few ideas:
Eating light
Walking in nature
Yoga, stretching, light exercise, massages, etc.
Reflecting on your intention: What brings you here today?
What to have at hand or bring
Comfortable clothes
Yoga Mat or portable mattress
Water Bottle with lid
Microdose (for questions around access please email the host)
Power object or personal item (optional)
Snacks (optional)
Mcrodosing Recommendations
If you are new to micro dosing, start low go slow. This is a sub-perceptual experience.
If you need information on safe access, please send us an email to javi@greenmagicyoga.com
Q: Is all of this legal?
Santa Cruz City has decriminalized psilocybin use at a personal level. Although it’s not legal to use, possess or cultivate natural psychedelics in the US and CA, Santa Cruz City won’t be using resources to investigate or arrest people for doing so.
Q: What dose are we taking?
Microdosing is optional and less than 0.3gr.
No other substances, no buying/selling, thank you.
Q: What type of breathwork can I expect?
You will be guided through circular rhythmical breathing technique, these are faster and deeper breaths. You will be in control of the depth of the experience and it’s intensity, utilizing your breath as gentle or fast to manage intenisty levels. We’ll cover the techniques and practice them at the orientation section of the workshop.
Q: Will I start tripping or lose control?
Though it is technically possible for people to have an anxious or intense reaction, we usually do not see this happen with this particular setting and protocol. Your safety is our first priority, and you’ll be in control of the depth and intensity of the experience.
Q: Are there any contraindications or health considerations?
You should NOT practice breathwork today if any of these are issues
If you are under age of 21
High Blood Pressure that is not controlled with medication
Cardiovascular Disease and / or irregularities including prior heart attack
Aneurysms if either you have had an aneurism or if more than one person in your immediate family (parents, siblings, children) has had one
History of Strokes, Seizures or TIAs
If you are taking prescription blood thinners / anti-clotting medications such us Coumadin
Detached Retina
Prior diagnose by a health professional of bipolar disorder or schizophrenia
Hospitalization for any psychiatric condition or serious emotional crisis in the past 10 years such as an attempted suicide, nervous breakdown or psychotic break
PTSD - currently presenting severe symptoms. It’s important that you have a solid support structure to work with what might come up during the session and a willingness to process through the emotions that may come up
Asthma you are welcome to breathe but you must have your inhaler available
Recent head injury or other psysical injuries that are not fully healed and could be re-injured through movement
Any other medical, psychiatric or physical conditions which would impair or affect ability to engage in activities involving intense physical and / or emotional release and / or issues from the past being brought up for processing and release
If you are not sure if these apply to you, please hold off from including breathwork in your journey, you can always journey alomng with the music and microdosing.

Psychedelic Cannabis Breathwork Berkeley & Online
This workshop is a bridging of two worlds. The power, intention and presence of breathwork skillfully paired with a deeply somatic and visionary Psychedelic Cannabis blend are held in a safe and supportive container, leading to one of the most healing transpersonal journeys you can gift yourself.
This can be a great practice for those looking for a breakthrough in their healing process or opening up to a new perspective. We are honored to teach and share this way with you. We will begin with a group meditation and intention sharing. Following this we’ll provide safety flight instructions on cannabis use and mindful journeywork practices. When the circle begins, participants imbibe cannabis holding their intention and are then guided through a relaxation, leading into the breathwork practice and followed by journey time accompanied by evocative music. The whole journey lasts about 2.5 hours and is followed by community sharing and integration time.
4:00 - 4:15 : Welcome & Space Setup
4:20 - 5:00 : Check In, Meditation and Instructions
5:10 - 7:40 : Psychedelic Cannabis Breathwork Journey
7:45 - 8:30 : Integration and Closing
To create a safe container, the doors will be closed once we begin the circle.
We will be guiding you through this process to help you have a safe and sacred journey.
This event is 21+ and BYOW (Bring your Own Weed).
Registration is required for this event. No walk-ins, thank you!
Portal Community Center, 3051 Adeline St, Berkeley, CA 94703. Directions.
Ticket Prices:
In person: $120
Bring a Friend: 20% discount when you signup for 2 or more people together. Use Promo Code: BRINGAFRIEND
For other discounts or donation based participation email Javi
Safety and Participation Agreement
Conscious Cannabis Circles are very safe but they're not for everyone. Please take a moment to review our safety guidelines for this event. If you’re new to Cannabis or Breathwork please check-in with us before signing up so we can make sure it's a good fit for you.
How to Prepare
An intentional practice with Cannabis is a wonderful opportunity for inner healing and spiritual growth. In this sense we suggest doing some physical and emotional preparation when stepping into these experiences. Here are a few ideas:
Eating light
Walking in nature
Yoga, stretching, light exercise, massages, etc.
Reflecting on your intention: What brings you here today?
What to have at hand or bring
Comfortable clothes
Yoga Mat or portable mattress
Water or tea
Cannabis implements: medicine, pipe/vape, paper, lighter
Power object or personal item (optional)
Snacks (optional)
Cannabis Blend & Recommendations
If you are new to cannabis, start low go slow. You can always add more along the way.
When doing your blend, If possible, try with 3 different strains or have 2 contrasting vape pens (2 strains, or sativa, indica, hybrid). During this Covid period some might prefer vaping over smoking to reduce stress in the lungs. We don't recommend edibles unless you are very familiar with your medicine as they are not easy to dose. Their duration is longer than vaping or smoking and the onset varies between 45 mins and 4 hrs depending on the person. Know that only 1 cannabis strain or vape pen can take you very deep.
Personally, we love the mix of Grand Daddy Purple or Purple Punch (indica, purple notes, higher Linalool terpene %) and Blue Dreams (Sativa, pinene and limonene terpenes), we find it's a heart opening blend.

Psychedelic Cannabis Breathwork Santa Cruz & Online
This workshop is a bridging of two worlds. The power, intention and presence of breathwork skillfully paired with a deeply somatic and visionary Psychedelic Cannabis blend are held in a safe and supportive container, leading to one of the most healing transpersonal journeys you can gift yourself.
This can be a great practice for those looking for a breakthrough in their healing process or opening up to a new perspective. We are honored to teach and share this way with you. We will begin with a group meditation and intention sharing. Following this we’ll provide safety flight instructions on cannabis use and mindful journeywork practices. When the circle begins, participants imbibe cannabis holding their intention and are then guided through a relaxation, leading into the breathwork practice and followed by journey time accompanied by evocative music. The whole journey lasts about 2.5 hours and is followed by community sharing and integration time.
4:00 - 4:15 : Welcome & Space Setup
4:20 - 5:00 : Check In, Meditation and Instructions
5:10 - 7:40 : Psychedelic Cannabis Breathwork Journey
7:45 - 8:30 : Integration and Closing
To create a safe container, the doors will be closed once we begin the circle.
We will be guiding you through this process to help you have a safe and sacred journey.
This event is 21+ and BYOW (Bring your Own Weed).
Registration is required for this event. No walk-ins, thank you!
About the Studio
Alma Yoga is located at 738 Chestnut St and runs along Squid Row. It is a part of the historic Enterprise Iron Works building which artist Michael Leeds has converted into an alternative lifestyle project over the last half century. It was also Michael’s private workshop for many years and has a lovely vibe to it. Come and check it out!
Ticket Prices:
In person: $99
Online: $75
Bring a Friend: 20% discount when you signup for 2 or more people together. Use Promo Code: BRINGAFRIEND
For other discounts or donation based participation email Javi
Safety and Participation Agreement
Conscious Cannabis Circles are very safe but they're not for everyone. Please take a moment to review our safety guidelines for this event. If you’re new to Cannabis or Breathwork please check-in with us before signing up so we can make sure it's a good fit for you.
How to Prepare
An intentional practice with Cannabis is a wonderful opportunity for inner healing and spiritual growth. In this sense we suggest doing some physical and emotional preparation when stepping into these experiences. Here are a few ideas:
Eating light
Walking in nature
Yoga, stretching, light exercise, massages, etc.
Reflecting on your intention: What brings you here today?
What to have at hand or bring
Comfortable clothes
Yoga Mat or portable mattress
Water or tea
Cannabis implements: medicine, pipe/vape, paper, lighter
Power object or personal item (optional)
Snacks (optional)
Cannabis Blend & Recommendations
If you are new to cannabis, start low go slow. You can always add more along the way.
When doing your blend, If possible, try with 3 different strains or have 2 contrasting vape pens (2 strains, or sativa, indica, hybrid). During this Covid period some might prefer vaping over smoking to reduce stress in the lungs. We don't recommend edibles unless you are very familiar with your medicine as they are not easy to dose. Their duration is longer than vaping or smoking and the onset varies between 45 mins and 4 hrs depending on the person. Know that only 1 cannabis strain or vape pen can take you very deep.
Personally, we love the mix of Grand Daddy Purple or Purple Punch (indica, purple notes, higher Linalool terpene %) and Blue Dreams (Sativa, pinene and limonene terpenes), we find it's a heart opening blend.

Psychedelic Cannabis Breathwork Berkeley & Online
This workshop is a bridging of two worlds. The power, intention and presence of breathwork skillfully paired with a deeply somatic and visionary Psychedelic Cannabis blend are held in a safe and supportive container, leading to one of the most healing transpersonal journeys you can gift yourself.
This can be a great practice for those looking for a breakthrough in their healing process or opening up to a new perspective. We are honored to teach and share this way with you. We will begin with a group meditation and intention sharing. Following this we’ll provide safety flight instructions on cannabis use and mindful journeywork practices. When the circle begins, participants imbibe cannabis holding their intention and are then guided through a relaxation, leading into the breathwork practice and followed by journey time accompanied by evocative music. The whole journey lasts about 2.5 hours and is followed by community sharing and integration time.
4:00 - 4:15 : Welcome & Space Setup
4:20 - 5:00 : Check In, Meditation and Instructions
5:10 - 7:40 : Psychedelic Cannabis Breathwork Journey
7:45 - 8:30 : Integration and Closing
To create a safe container, the doors will be closed once we begin the circle.
We will be guiding you through this process to help you have a safe and sacred journey.
This event is 21+ and BYOW (Bring your Own Weed).
Registration is required for this event. No walk-ins, thank you!
Portal Community Center, 3051 Adeline St, Berkeley, CA 94703. Directions.
Ticket Prices:
In person: $120
Online: $90
Bring a Friend: 20% discount when you signup for 2 or more people together. Use Promo Code: BRINGAFRIEND
For other discounts or donation based participation email Javi
Safety and Participation Agreement
Conscious Cannabis Circles are very safe but they're not for everyone. Please take a moment to review our safety guidelines for this event. If you’re new to Cannabis or Breathwork please check-in with us before signing up so we can make sure it's a good fit for you.
How to Prepare
An intentional practice with Cannabis is a wonderful opportunity for inner healing and spiritual growth. In this sense we suggest doing some physical and emotional preparation when stepping into these experiences. Here are a few ideas:
Eating light
Walking in nature
Yoga, stretching, light exercise, massages, etc.
Reflecting on your intention: What brings you here today?
What to have at hand or bring
Comfortable clothes
Yoga Mat or portable mattress
Water or tea
Cannabis implements: medicine, pipe/vape, paper, lighter
Power object or personal item (optional)
Snacks (optional)
Cannabis Blend & Recommendations
If you are new to cannabis, start low go slow. You can always add more along the way.
When doing your blend, If possible, try with 3 different strains or have 2 contrasting vape pens (2 strains, or sativa, indica, hybrid). During this Covid period some might prefer vaping over smoking to reduce stress in the lungs. We don't recommend edibles unless you are very familiar with your medicine as they are not easy to dose. Their duration is longer than vaping or smoking and the onset varies between 45 mins and 4 hrs depending on the person. Know that only 1 cannabis strain or vape pen can take you very deep.
Personally, we love the mix of Grand Daddy Purple or Purple Punch (indica, purple notes, higher Linalool terpene %) and Blue Dreams (Sativa, pinene and limonene terpenes), we find it's a heart opening blend.